Nakiah Sharp
April 24, 2023

Nakiah Sharp is from Norfolk, Virginia and uses she/her pronouns. She is a junior majoring in Management Consulting and Analytics with a minor in Leadership and Social Change.
Nakiah Sharp will be interning for Townebank in the summer of 2023.
We asked Nakiah to share both her internship and Pamplin experiences with us.
How did you find your internship? What is your title and what will you do for them?
I found my internship through Business Horizons. My title is Floater Teller, and I will be a front line teller this summer. For this internship, I’ll be traveling to different branches in the Hampton Roads area to provide support on the teller line. This is going to give me a great opportunity to see how the management differs and also help me learn how to work with a variety of different people.
What do you think will be your favorite part about the internship?
My favorite part about the internship is probably going to be the people that I get to work with. With being a floater, I’ll be able to work at multiple branches and see how the management differs at all of them.
What type of student would you recommend to apply to this internship and why?
I would recommend this internship to anyone who is looking to do management. I believe that front line roles like this makes it easier to understand in the future people who you would be managing.
How was the recruitment process?
The recruitment process was very easy! I met with a recruiter at Business Horizons in the spring and he recommended that I applied. He actually reached out to me the day after to ask if I had any questions and he’s been really helpful throughout the process.
What do you want to do after graduation?
After graduation I would like to go into Change Management or Financial Consulting.
What advice would you give to an incoming Pamplin freshman?
I would recommend that any incoming freshman make great connections with professors. They are all here to help and have access to plenty of resources.
What is your favorite part about being a management and or Pamplin student?
My favorite part about being a management student is definitely my classes. I feel like they really push me to think about myself differently. My favorite part about Pamplin would have to be all the resources that are available from career fairs to advisors.
What is your LinkedIn?
If any, what organizations are you in and what do you enjoy about them?
I am currently in Collegiate Women in Business. I love this organization for the collaboration between everyone involved and the events that are hosted.