Graduation Year: 2024

Major: Management Consulting and Analytics 

Company and Position: I found my job through an alumna I am friends with. She works for Cisco as a Project Manager, and I knew that she loved the company and the role. She referred me to the job, and I will be joining Cisco as a Project Specialist in June! 

Internship Location: I currently work for the United States Cyber Range of Virginia Tech as a Business Development intern. I work remotely, and I have been with the company for a year and a half. I love this position as it allows for schedule flexibility, mentorship, and lots of exposure to all parts of a business. 

Recruitment Process: I applied in September of 2023 and received the offer in November of 2023. My first two interviews were spread out over a month, and the last three interviews were within one week. My final interview was a presentation with two managers at Cisco. 

Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to taking t he certifications for project management and joining such a great company! I am excited about the projects I will work on and the relationships I will build. I also am excited about envisioning my career path at Cisco and getting a better idea of what long-term goals I will have with the company. 

Advice: Try everything! Get an internship in the field you are interested in as soon as possible grow relationships with your professors. Ask for help, reach out to people in the positions you're interested in, and take initiative! 

Recommended Student: Any student that loves to see a project come full-circle and loves to work with people. Project management is a lot of organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. 

Favorite Part of Pamplin: The community of Faculty and Staff have been so helpful. They have helped me explore different career avenues and gain connections in the professional world. 

Mentor or Inspiration: David Williamson has been a huge help while I was going through interviews for my post-grad job. Ron Poff has helped me in tremendous ways as an advisor for Pamplin Leadership Team. Denise Cordova helped me get the internship I had last summer and she connected me with my mentor, Mary Davie.