Zaria Khan
May 8, 2023

Zaria Khan is from Springfield, Virginia and uses she/her pronouns. She is a senior who is set to graduate this May!
Zaria will be working for Capital One after graduation.
We asked Zaria to share both her post-graduation plans and Pamplin experiences with us.
How did you pick your major or concentration? Does it relate to your job?
I picked BIT because I knew I wanted to be in the technology industry, but I chose MGT because I wanted to engage with people.
How did you find your job? What is your job title and what do you think you will do for them?
I found my job through the Engineering Expo! I connected with a recruiter and followed up via LinkedIn. Then, I tapped into her network to find a colleague that recruited for a program I was interested in and suited my skills.
What do you think the day-to-day roles and responsibilities will be in your position?
I predict the day to day roles to involve building a positive and motivating team environment, demonstrating strong communication and leadership skills with team members and business partners, managing and leading multiple complex projects, interacting with management across different lines of businesses, driving the team to focus on critical deliverables, facilitating daily team meetings, identifying and removing obstacles, implementing necessary communications and change activities, identifying resources needed to achieve team goals, and making good judgments on potential risks and issues.
How did you find out about this position and how was the recruitment process?
I found out about this position through LinkedIn and talking to others in the role I could see myself being in within 5-10 years. I asked them for informational interviews. Great industry advice is just a quick, cold message away! The recruitment process involved a phone screen, a behavioral interview, and a "power day" which had three back to back interviews for the final round.
My favorite part of being a Pamplin student is being able to bring my visions to fruition. I am so grateful to the VT Management department for supporting me in these endeavors, which ranged from launching a 14-week STEM education program for middle school students to creating an avenue for VT students to pursue the CSM certification.
What are you looking forward to in starting your new position?
I am looking forward to gaining new skills! The person whose I talked to currently in the MRP role at Capital One learned a plethora of meta skills and hard skills like learning SQL and presenting to C-Suite Executives.
Where is your current job located? Are you excited about your work site?
My job is located in McLean, VA. I am excited because it is the headquarters of Capital One!
Please give a brief description of job, internship, and or school leadership positions that you led to your future career:
I was actively involved on campus as a Pamplin Engage TA, Undergrad Research Assistant at the Hume Center of National Security and Technology, Project Manager for the Consulting Group at Virginia Tech, the Vice President of Society for Human Resource Management, and the Artistic Director for Bamboom Dance Crew. I completed several internships with US GOV Accountability Office, ArchiveCore, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, and the Virginia Tech HR Department.
What do you want to accomplish within your first year?
Within my first year, I hope to perform the duties of my role and beyond, be involved in DEI and recruitment initiatives, and leave the clients satisfied and eager to work with Capital One again.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I hope to be managing a team that is passionate about their work, studying for an MBA degree, and maybe even dabbling in creating a start-up or teaching as an adjunct professor.
What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue the same career as yours?
Network! Attend all of the events you can, even ones outside of Pamplin.
What type of student would you recommend to apply to this job and why? (This may include a student's interests, what they are good at, characteristics etc.)
I would recommend very highly motivated students to apply for this position. One that likes working with others, desires to lead a team, and has strong organizational and communication skills.
What is your favorite part of being a management and or Pamplin student?
My favorite part of being a Pamplin student is being able to bring my visions to fruition. I am so grateful to the VT Management department for supporting me in these endeavors, which ranged from launching a 14-week STEM education program for middle school students to creating an avenue for VT students to pursue the CSM certification.
What is your LinkedIn?
Has there been a faculty member or staff member within Pamplin and/or the MGT department that has served as a mentor or source of inspiration for you during your journey?
Definitely Professor Denise Cordova! She has paired me with excellent mentors, Jill McKinnon and Lauren Percherke. She has also given me exceptional career advice whenever I am navigating a new situation. I do not know what I would do without her!