Graduation Year: 2024

Major: ACIS and MCA

Company and Position: PwC Audit Associate 

Internship Location: Following graduation, I will be moving to DC. Coming from NJ, this represents a significant change for me, but I'm excited to immerse myself in a community of fellow alumni and young professionals in the area.

Recruitment Process: I interviewed for an internship position my sophomore year and received an internship offer. At the conclusion of my internship the following summer, I received a full-time offer, which I accepted. 

Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to moving to DC and meeting my new team!

I highly recommend considering majoring in MCA and Accounting. This dual degree combination offers a unique perspective, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of both the analytical aspects and client-focused work in the field.

Recommended Student: I highly recommend this career path for those seeking secure job placement after college. Working at a Big 4 firm opens up numerous internal pathways, providing opportunities for diverse career trajectories.

Favorite Part of Pamplin: Pamplin has opened numerous doors for me, enabling hands-on work with real clients during my senior year capstone. This invaluable experience will undoubtedly serve me well in the real world.

Mentor or Inspiration: Professor Ron Poff has always been supportive and has praised my accomplishments with Pamplin.