Allison Fegler
May 12, 2020

Allison Fegler is a senior from Richmond, Virginia and is a double major in Management and Finance. Her management concentration is Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology (EIT). Allison will be joining Deliotte Rick and Financial Advisory in Washington, DC.
Were there any specific classes that you remember as validating your major choice to date?
One of my first business classes after I decided to transfer into the College of Business was Principles of Management with Professor Deck. I remember really enjoying the class and loving how passionate the professor was about teaching. At this point, I wasn't in Pamplin at all, just waiting to apply to transfer as a freshman, but I feel like my positive experience in the class encouraged me to select Management as my primary major. I felt like I was learning things that I could not only apply in the workplace, but also overall knowledge about how to work with people. So much of management is human-focused, and that's one of my favorite things about it, because it applies to your life as a whole and any job you could ever find yourself in down the road.
What are your plans after graduation?
I am moving to the DC area to work for Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory. I'll be working in their Enterprise Risk Management practice, with clients in government and public services. I'm very excited to pursue this opportunity and know it wouldn't have been possible without all the resources and support provided by Pamplin.

Any other words of wisdom or insights that you can provide us about you, your journey, the value of your education - Virginia Tech, Pamplin, the Department of Management.
A few highlights from my VT journey include serving as the Treasurer of the Student Government Association, a First-Year Orientation leader, and the Chair of Student Budget Board. Switching into Pamplin from my initial college gave me confidence to pursue these opportunities, because I felt like I had found my place at Virginia Tech. Once my classes started going well, I was more willing to put myself out there, and try to find ways in which I could give back to the VT community that had given me so much! I learned to balance all my other responsibilities with my schoolwork, and I found that oftentimes, there was a lot of overlap in what I was doing for my activities and what I was studying! My business classes in Excel came in handy all the time as I made budget-tracking documents for SGA and Student Budget Board, and my leadership training as a First-Year Orientation leader had overlap with a lot of my management courses. It was great to see how my extracurricular activities supplemented my learning and gave me the chance to practice skills I had acquired through courses here. Without even intentionally seeking it out, I had the chance to see how vital a business education is, and how it can be applied to just about anything you do in life! I will always be incredibly grateful for my time here at Virginia Tech, and for finding my place within Pamplin.
Thank you to all my teachers who have encouraged me and believed in me along the way!