Graduation Year: 2024

Major: MCA and Marketing

Company and Position: I wanted to work in New York so that I could have a highly concentrated area to network and learn at an accelerated rate with. I will be a Cyber Consulting Analyst and decided to accept a return offer I got from Deloitte after interning in their Midtown office last summer. 

Internship Location: It is located in Rockefeller Plaza in NYC and I am very excited to be in the midst of a variety of motivated creatives. 

Recruitment Process:

Long and ridiculous to get the internship, but to get the return offer I just competed by working a lot of hours and demonstrating that I was an asset to the company on an everyday basis. 

Looking Forward To: Pursuing my commitment to being a lifetime learner. 

Advice: Stay true to yourself. 

Recommended Student: An analytically inclined student who doesnt know what they want to do, not because they don't want to do anything, but because they have a plethora of interests and need to narrow it down for long term.

Favorite Part of Pamplin: The faculty and staff. 

Mentor or Inspiration: Dr Williamson, Dr. Buengal, Dr. Schnatterly, Professor Poff, and Professor Deck