
Advisory Board Charter
The mission of the Management Department is to create and disseminate knowledge in macro- and micro- areas of management while building on the complementary strengths of our faculty. Our fields of research and teaching expertise include strategy, entrepreneurship, technology management, international business, social issues and ethics, diversity, industrial relations, management consulting, organizational behavior, leadership and human resource management. We strive to build the highest quality research and teaching programs to contribute to the status of the Pamplin College of Business and Virginia Tech and to provide our students with a premier business education.
The Management Advisory Board has been formed to provide a structured environment for the exchange of ideas with our alumni and industry leaders towards helping the Department to articulate and achieve its mission. Specific functions of the Advisory Board are to:
- Advise on departmental strategic plans and assist in accomplishing strategic initiatives
- Provide suggestions on undergraduate and graduate curricula based on external trends and issues, ensuring relevance and alignment with the job market
- Identify industry and market dynamics for faculty and students through periodic environmental scans
- Assist in maximizing job placement opportunities and internships
- Build awareness and support of faculty research interests
- Assist in articulating departmental priorities and needs to the Pamplin College of Business and the University administration.
- Interface with the Recent Alumni Board to ensure consistency, interaction and collaboration where appropriate.
- Officers of the Advisory Board shall include the Chairperson and the Executive Committee.
- The Advisory Board Chairperson shall be appointed by the Management Department Head and serve a three year term, commencing with the fall meeting. The former Board Chairperson will serve one year following her / his term as an advisor to the new Board Chairperson.
- The Executive Committee will be appointed by the Board Chairperson and the Department Head for a three year term. This Committee will be responsible for board membership and coordinating the activities of the Board. The Chairperson of the Board will serve as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, and the former Board Chairperson will be a member.
- The Department Head and Chairperson may form specific task forces and committees as deemed necessary and beneficial to the Advisory Board priorities
The Management Advisory Board will meet twice per year, during the fall and spring semesters. Unless determined otherwise by the Advisory Board, all meetings will be held in Blacksburg, preferably on the Virginia Tech campus. The date and time of the meetings will be called by the Advisory Board Chairperson in consultation with the Department Head and will be communicated via email at least six weeks in advance. Meeting agendas will be developed by the Chairperson and Department Head and distributed, along with appropriate briefing materials, in advance of meetings. Special meetings or committee calls may be called by the Chairperson in consultation with the Department Head. A quorum shall consist of at least one third of the membership.
Appointments to the Advisory Board will be by the Management Department Head in consultation with the Executive Committee. Members will serve an initial term of three years. Reappointment for additional term(s), presuming the members wishes to continue serving, will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee and Department Head. Resignations from the Board shall be submitted to the Management Department Head.
- Regular attendance at Advisory Board meetings. The Board meets twice a year in Blacksburg on a Monday. Attendance may be in person or by phone.
- Active participation in the activities of the Board. Participation is expected in at least one standing committee or task forces that are established to support Board activities.
- Pay all expenses associated with Board participation.
- 100% participation in annual personal giving; Gifts are to be unrestricted for the Department of Management Excellence Fund or may be designated for a specific purpose in the Department of Management.