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Our esteemed faculty comprises globally recognized scholars who have demonstrated excellence in research and publication within prestigious journals such as:

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Strategic Management Journal
  • Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Journal of Management
  • Journal of Business Venturing

They have also served in editorial capacities and on review boards for leading management journals. Their contributions have garnered attention worldwide, being cited extensively in top-tier academic publications, business press, and various media outlets.

In addition to their scholarly achievements, our faculty members have enriched the academic landscape through teaching engagements at renowned institutions including Purdue University, Rice University, Texas Christian University, University of Colorado, University of Michigan, University of Houston, Indiana State University, North Carolina State University, University of Oklahoma, University of Pittsburgh, and Texas A&M University.

Pamplin Elite Publications 2024

  • Pan, L, McNamara, G., Devers, C. Yonish, L. (2024). Taking a Broader View: Female Directors, CEO Strategic Attention Breadth, and Firm Performance. Organization Science.
  • Taubeneder, R., Roehrich, J. K., Tyler, B. B., Squire, B., & Gnyawali, D. R. (2024). Managing Coopetition Dynamics: A Longitudinal Study of a Multiparty Alliance Formation in a Large Utilities Project. Journal of Operations Management, DOI:
  • Clark, D. & Hunt, R.A. (2024). The Challenge and Opportunity of a Quantum Mechanics Metaphor in Organization and Management Research. Academy of Management Review.
  • Lewis, T., Hechavarría, D. M., Williams, D. W., & Cardon, M. S. (2024). Doing the Right Things at the Right Times: The Role of Temporal Enactment in Venture Outcome Attainment. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1).
  • Kumar, P. Agnieszka Nowinska, and Akbar Zaheer (2024). The Paradox of Spatial and Relational Embeddedness: Tie Reformation after a Trust Violation. Academy of Management Journal.
  • Townsend, D. R.A. Hunt, J. Rady & P. Manocha. (2024). Do Androids Dream of Entrepreneurial Possibilities? Academy of Management Review.
  • Pidduck, R., Townsend, D.M., & Busenitz, L. (2024). Non-Probabilistic Reasoning in Navigating Entrepreneurial Uncertainty: A Psychology of Religious Faith Lens. Journal of Business Venturing.

Faculty Research published in Pamplin Elite Journals in 2023

  • Gamache, D.L., Devers, C.E., Klein, F.B, & Hannigan, T. (2023) Shifting perspectives: How scrutiny shapes the relationship between CEO gender and acquisition activity, Strategic Management Journal 44: 3012-3041.  
  • Townsend, D.M., Hunt, R.A, J. Rady, P. Manocha & J-Y Jin. (2023). “Are the Futures Computable? Knightian Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence.” Note: Rady is currently a Ph.D. student, Manocha and Jin were Ph.D. students who graduated in 2023.
  • Kumar, P., Nowinska, A., & Schramm, H. J. (2023). The signaling effect of supplier's customer network instability on service price: Insights from the container shipping charter market. Journal of Operations Management, 69, 8: 1282-1319.
  • Lewis, T., Hechavarría, D.M. & Williams, D.W., Cardon, M.S (2023). The Right Things at the Right Times: The Role of Temporal Enactment on Venture Outcome Attainment. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1), 106344. 
  • Roehrich, J., Davies, A., Tyler, B.B., Mishra, A., & Bendoly, E. (2024). “Large Inter-Organizational Projects: Toward a New Perspective on Governance and a Research Agenda.” Journal of Operations Management, 7(1): 4-21.
  • Simpson, J. & Schuler Scott, A. (2023).  Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend: War Combat Volunteerism. Annals of Tourism Research.
  • Livingston, B., Gloor, J., Ward, A.K., Gabriel, A., Tochman Campbell, J. et al. (Forthcoming). Many roads to success: Broadening our views of academic career paths and advice. Journal of Management.

Faculty Research Accepted/Published in Pamplin Elite Journals in 2022

  • McSweeney, K., McSweeney, J., Webb, J., & Devers, C.E. “The right touch of pitch assertiveness: Examining entrepreneurs' gender and project category fit in crowdfunding. Forthcoming” , Journal of Business Venturing.
  • Hunt, R.A., D.A. Lerner, S. Johnson, S. Badal, & M. Freeman. (2022).  “Cracks in the Wall: Entrepreneurial Action Theory and the Weakening Presumption of Intended Rationality.” Journal of Business Venturing.37(3),
  • Rai, R., Gnyawali, D. R., & Bhatt, H. (2022). “Walking the tightrope: Coopetition capability construct and its role in value creation.” Journal of Management, 01492063221107873.
  • Pankaj Kumar, Swanand Deodhar, and Srilata Zaheer. 2022. “Cognitive sources of liability of foreignness in crowdsourcing creative work.” Journal of International Business Studies.
  • Pankaj Kumar, Xiaojin Liu, and Akbar Zaheer. 2022. “How much does the firm’s alliance network matter?” Strategic Management Journal.
  • Engel, Y., Lewis, T., Cardon, M.S., Hentschel, T. (2022).Signaling Diversity Debt: Startup Gender Composition and the Gender Gap in Joiners’ Interest.” Academy of Management Journal