Ashley Cruz
Ashley Cruz is a senior with a double major in Business Information Technology (BIT) and Management with the Management Consulting and Analytics (MCA) option
Company: EY
Position: Technology Consulting-Financial Services Intern
"I have always had an interest in business management. In high school, I took IB business management and that is where I realized that business was something that I was passionate about. I did well in all my assignments and received awards for being a high-performing student. Similarly, I used to run an eBay business when I was in high school and saw high-profit margins. I liked business and wanted to pursue it as a career, which lead to business management."
One of the most important skills I have used throughout my internship was in Steven Markham's Managerial Analytics class. We learned how to use pivot tables, filters, and analyzing data which is what I currently do. Being good at excel is very important and I value what I learned in that class.
After graduation, I will be pursuing my Master's of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics at Virginia Tech. I also hope to pursue my MBA a few years down the road."
Collaborate. Innovate. Integrate.