Global Entrepreneur Partnership to host students, faculty from around the globe
June 12, 2019

Student teams and faculty representing 14 institutions from 12 countries will compete, learn, collaborate, and build networks Aug. 22-31 at the 10th annual Virginia Tech Global Entrepreneur Partnership.
Hosted by Outreach and International Affairs and VT KnowledgeWorks, the program will offer two tracks: one tailored to students and another to faculty. Students will explore resources for entrepreneurs, insights on starting up a business, and considerations of expanding into new markets. During the Global Annual Roundtable, faculty discuss entrepreneurship support programs and innovations at their institutions. Global university partners also will have time to explore partnership possibilities.
Lindsey Eversole, global partnership manager at VT KnowledgeWorks, said, “The Global Entrepreneur Partnership brings together great minds and strong university partners that meet and work together building their social and academic relationships with each other.”
This year’s 14 participating university partners are:
- King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Sias University, China
- Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
- Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
- Universidad del Norte, Colombia
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
- University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- University of Trento, Italy
- Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Virginia Tech
- ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
“The Global Entrepreneur Challenge allows student teams to pitch their business ideas for a $25,000 grand prize, encouraging their entrepreneurial endeavors and giving them the opportunity to test their concept on a world stage,” Eversole said.
Members of the Virginia Tech community and Roanoke-Blacksburg region are invited to observe the presentations in Holtzman Alumni Center at The Inn at Virginia Tech & Skelton Conference Center on Aug. 29. A private awards banquet and ceremony will be held that evening to announce the winning teams.
"The Global Entrepreneur Challenge is an amazing experience for any international student and aspiring entrepreneur. It's a recognized program from my home region in Europe and provided a 'stamp of approval' for my business," said Steven Rüttimann, founder of Blockflyer and finalist of the 2018 Global Entrepreneur Challenge and student representative of ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.
Student teams will present their business concepts for $45,000 in cash prizes, sponsored by Virginia Tech’s Outreach and International Affairs, The Branch Group Inc., Carilion Clinic, and First Piedmont Corp.
Other event sponsors include:
- Apex Center for Entrepreneurs
- College of Engineering
- Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation
Program support sponsors include:
- Automation Creations Inc.
- City of Roanoke
- Click & Pledge
- G.J. Hopkins Inc.
- LewisGale Regional Health System
- Montgomery County Department of Economic Development
- Plastics One
- Shentel
- SunTrust Bank
- Town of Blacksburg
- Virginia Tech College of Science
- Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center
- VPT Inc.
- Wordsprint Marketing Services
For more information contact Lindsey Eversole, global partnership manager, at
Written by Lindsey Eversole