In order to recognize excellence in faculty research, the Apex Center for Entrepreneurs will honor a Virginia Tech faculty member by presenting an award for outstanding scholarly work in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation. The selected individual will receive a prize of $2,500, a special award recognizing the accomplishment, and an opportunity to provide the keynote address at a VT E&I research symposium in Fall 2023.

Faculty conducting research at any of Virginia Tech’s nine colleges are strongly encouraged to submit materials for consideration.

The award is intended to recognize research-related achievement through conceptual and/or empirical publications by Virginia Tech faculty from any field who are engaged in the scholarly study of entrepreneurship and innovation, broadly conceived as “novel action to generate reproducible benefits.”  Research of this domain includes actions and benefits that can be artistic, scientific, economic, eudaimonic, philosophic, computational, social, cultural, agricultural, technological, policy-based, sustainability-focused, and so forth – as long as the research was published in a scholarly journal or practitioner-oriented outlet.

The recipient of this honor will be selected by members of the Apex Faculty-Stakeholder’s Committee and will be awarded on the basis of recently published works that make notable contributions to the study of entrepreneurship and innovation in the faculty member’s field of research.

All Virginia Tech faculty members who have published research while employed by the university are eligible to be considered for this award. Interested faculty are encouraged to submit a single pdf containing the following information:

  • A Research Statement (not more than two single-spaced pages), discussing past, present and future contributions to the study of entrepreneurship and/or innovation, broadly defined;
  • A current C.V.;
  • At least one, but not more than three Representative Works published in past five years, some facet of which reflects a contribution to the study of entrepreneurship and/or innovation.

Completed packages should be forwarded electronically with an email subject line of “Apex Faculty Research Award” (email to Bryanna Meredith, by April 7, 2023. Questions regarding any facet of the award can be sent to Dr. Rick Hunt, Associate Professor of Management and Apex Director of Research (