Parul Manocha

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Research Focus
Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
Parul Manocha is a Doctoral Candidate in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Management at Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business. Her research interests are in the areas of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Parul began her PhD in Fall 2018.
Broadly speaking, Parul’s dissertation provides a novel theorization of how macro-environmental actor-independent factors impact the substance, rate, and quantity of entrepreneurial action and outcomes. These macro-environmental factors range from episodic events such as natural disasters, political coups, and pandemics to long-acting shifts in demographics, climate, and socio-cultural conventions.
Dr. Richard A. Hunt serves as the Chairperson for her Dissertation Committee.
Parul has presented her research at the Academy of Management Conference, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, and Diana International Research Conference. Her work is under review at elite management and entrepreneurship journals, including Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal and Academy of Management Journal.
Parul has taught several courses at Virginia Tech—Strategic Management, International Business, and Technology Entrepreneurship.