Beverly B. Tyler

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Beverly B. Tyler is a Visiting Full Professor in the Department of Management, Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech. She is a Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University. She received her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University (chair, Dr. Jay Barney) in 1992 where her research focused on top executive information processing and organizational decision making. During her early career, she extended her research to include organizational and inter-organizational cooperation and relationship management. More recently she has applied cognitive, organizational, and relational lenses to the domains of new product development, supplier relationship management, international investment decisions, performance feedback, and university-industry-government research relationships. Although she is primarily a behavioral theorist, Dr. Tyler values and often seeks to integrate multiple theoretical perspectives in her publications.
Currently, Dr. Tyler is pursuing several projects that consider individual and organizational decision making in multilevel, multi-sector, and interdisciplinary collaboration contexts. Individual level contexts include industry-academia collaborations, partial divestment decisions, and strategic supplier assessments. Organizational decision contexts include wineries adoption of environmental practices, relationship management and contracting to build a nuclear power plant, and the impact of sentiment on firms’ acquisition behavior. She continues to use a multi-method approach in her research: policy capturing experimental designs, data analysis of large sample databases, analysis of documents, field notes, and interviews, mail surveys, and cognitive mapping methods. Dr. Tyler’s research has appeared in Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.