Donald Hatfield

Academic Area(s)
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, Research Methods
Research and Teaching Interests
I study how managers deal with the competitive issues of uncertainty by examining the phenomena of entrepreneurship, industry-focus, managing the innovation process, and research methods. I bring an intellectual grounding in organization economics which is informed by behavioral theories of organization to my research. I teach at all three levels (Ph.D., MBA/Masters, and Undergraduate) courses in Strategic Management, Management of Innovation, and Entrepreneurship.
- Ph.D., UCLA, 1993
- M.S., University of Iowa, 1985
- B.S., Iowa State University, 1981
Selected Publications
Tegarden, L.F., Lamb, W.B., Hatfield, D.E., & Ji, F.X., “Emerging Technology, Academic Research, and Commercial Success,” conditionally accepted at: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
Artz, K.W., Norman, P.M., Hatfield, D.E., and Cardinal, L.B. (2010) A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of R&D, Patents, and Product Innovation on Firm Performance , Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27: 725-740 (an earlier version of this paper was published in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings in 2003, TIM Division).
Mu, S.C., Gnyawali, D.R., and Hatfield, D.E. (2007) Foreign subsidiaries’ learning from local environments: An empirical test. Management International Review, 47(1).
Hatfield, D.E., Tegarden, L.F., and Echols, A.E. (2001) Facing the uncertain environment from technological discontinuities: Hedging as a technology choice strategy. The Journal of High Technology Management Research.
Tegarden, L.F., Echols, A.E., and Hatfield, D.E. (2000) The value of patience and start-up firms: A re-examination of the risk/return tradeoff for firms entering emerging markets.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Cardinal, L.B., and Hatfield, D.E. (2000) Internal Knowledge Generation: The Research Laboratory and Innovative Productivity in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management.
Tegarden, L.F., Hatfield, D.E., and Echols, A.E. (1999) Doomed from the start: What is the value of selecting a future dominant design? Strategic Management Journal.
Liebeskind, J.P., Opler, T.P., and Hatfield, D.E. (1996). Corporate restructuring and the consolidation of U.S. industry. Journal of Industrial Economics, 44:53-68.
Hatfield, D.E., Liebeskind, J.P., and Opler, T.P. (1996). The effects of corporate restructuring on aggregate industry specialization. Strategic Management Journal, 17:55-72.
Lansing, P. and Hatfield, D.E. (1985). Corporate control through the criminal system—an alternative proposal. Journal of Business Ethics, 4:409-414.
Positions Held
2010 - Present: Visiting Professor, School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin Province, P.R. China
2009 - Present: Research Analyst, Office of Research, Information, and Planning, Virginia Tech
1999 - Present: Associate Professor, Department of Management, Virginia Tech
1998 - 2005: Small Business Institute Director, Department of Management, Virginia Tech
1993 - 1999: Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Virginia Tech
1992: Lecturer, Business Policy and Strategy, California State University Northridge
1989 - 1990: Lecturer, Principles of Management, Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles)
1983 - 1985: Lecturer, Business Statistics, University of Iowa
External Professional Service (Editorships)
Editorial Boards memberships: Organization Science, 2005-present; Journal of Management, 2003-2011; Academy of Management Journal, 2007-2010.
Donald E. Hatfield (Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles) is an Associate Professor. His research has been published in the Journal of Industrial Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Labor Research, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Product and Innovation Management, IEEE-Engineering Management, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and others. Dr. Hatfield has presented papers internationally for the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the Institute for Operations Research & the Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Southern Economic Association, and various universities’ seminar series. He has been active in the leadership of the Academy of Management, and Strategic Management Society. Dr. Hatfield has served as a reviewer for the Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Science, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and the Annual Academy of Management–where he has been recognized as one of the top reviewers. Dr. Hatfield is currently on the Editorial Board of the Organization Science and has served on the editorial boards of both the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Management.
Dr. Hatfield has taught at CEIBS (Shanghai), The University of Iowa, Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles) and The California State University at Northridge. At Virginia Tech, Dr. Hatfield has taught courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. level. These courses have covered strategic management, organizational theory, technology management, statistics, introduction to management, and entrepreneurial leadership consulting at the undergraduate level. Dr. Hatfield has taught in the traditional classroom and in a variety of distant learning programs. He has led student consulting projects for both profit and not-for-profit organizations involving such management challenges as electronic business-to-business website strategy, business plans, and market evaluations. He served as the Director of the Small Business Institute at Virginia Tech for five years. Dr. Hatfield has received the Pamplin Faculty Undergraduate Teaching Award in recognition of his teaching efforts.
His current interests deal with the interaction between the fields of economics, finance, organizational theory, and strategic management. Dr. Hatfield’s current research is focused upon how managers can deal with the uncertainty associated with technology, and the underlying factors driving geographic industrial clustering. Dr. Hatfield’s interests in the management of technology, and corporate strategy trace back to his experiences as a chemical engineer for Gulf Oil. He has also spent time working as a computer consultant, and consultant to small businesses.