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Dr. Ron Hodge

Company:  Booz Allen (Retired); River Bend Research, LLC (Current)

Position:  Former Senior Partner/SVP; Managing Partner/Exec Coach

Hometown:  Fairfax, VA (now Great Falls, VA)

Undergrad school:  Virginia Tech

Grad School:   M.B.A, George Washington Univ. PhD, George Mason University

Mentoring format offered*:    Learning circle

Mentor expertise areas: Building a mindset for success, Making an impact, career management

Best fit with Management option (EIT, MCA, MHR): MCA

Average monthly time available: 2- 4 hours

Best time of the day available: 10-12 a.m.

Best advice ever received: Help others around you to succeed – it will foster rewarding relationships and build leadership skills that will ensure success over your career.