Karen Schnatterly

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Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Dr. Karen Schnatterly received her PhD from the University of Michigan. She has been on faculty at the University of Minnesota and the University of Missouri. Her research focuses on wrongdoing and leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation, and corporate governance. Her work in wrongdoing and leadership examines what we know about how and why a CEO commits an act of wrongdoing and if some firm characteristics influence the likelihood of this occurring. Her work in entrepreneurship and innovation examines questions around how firms can influence innovative output, as well as bringing the two areas together to examine if the conditions that facilitate innovation in firms also facilitate fraud.
She has published in top journals in management, including the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management, and the Academy of Management Journal, among others. She has served two terms as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Management and is on the Editorial Boards of the Strategic Management Journal and Journal of Management. She has held leadership roles in several interest groups with the Strategic Management Society (Research Methods, Strategic Leadership and Governance, Corporate Strategy, Competitive Strategy) and with the Academy of Management (BPS (STR) Research Committee and Teaching Committee). She has also organized several international conferences. She has taught courses on ethics, corporate governance, working with government, and overall strategy. She has conducted workshops in ethics and leadership.
MBA, Ph.D. University of Michigan
MFA, University of Illinois
BA, Colgate University
Selected Publications
Refereed Journals:
Wheeler, P, Snow, N, Whitworth, J, Gangloff, KA, Schnatterly, K The Role of Voluntarily Disclosed Information on Crowdfunding Success: Evidence from Kickstarter. Accounting & Taxation (AT), forthcoming.
Schnatterly, K, Calvano, F, Berns, J, Deng, C. Board Expertise and Firm Risk Misalignment. 2021, Vol 42(11) 2162-2191 Strategic Management Journal. http://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3291 (this isn’t new, but it’s the full citation to a paper listed as forthcoming)
Schnatterly, K, Calvano, F, Berns, J, Deng, C. Board Expertise and Firm Risk Misalignment. Strategic Management Journal. In Press. http://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3291
Berns, JP, Gupta, VK, Schnatterly, K, Steele, CR. CEO Dismissal: A Multidisciplinary Integration and Critical Analysis. 2021, Vol. 46(2) 362–398, Group & Organization Management https://doi.org/10.1177/1059601120987452
Schnatterly, K., Clark, B.B., Howe, J, DeVaughn, M.L. 2019 Regulatory and governance impacts on bank risk-taking. Risk Management 21: 99. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41283-018-0044-1
Schnatterly, K, Gangloff, KA, Tuschke, A. 2018. On Wrongdoing in the Organization. 44: 6, Journal of Management doi.org/10.1177/0149206318771177 Also a blog for the London School of Economics: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2018/07/18/why-ceos-misbehave/
Schnatterly, K, Johnson SG. 2014. Independent boards and the institutional investors that prefer them: Drivers of institutional investor heterogeneity in governance preferences. Strategic Management Journal. 35: 1552–1563.
Johnson, SG. Schnatterly, K, Hill, A. 2013. Board composition beyond independence: Social capital, human capital and demographics. Journal of Management. 39(1): 232-262. Received a 2016 Emerald Citation of Excellence for one of the most highly cited and highly influential papers published in 2015 in the areas of Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Economics and Marketing. 2018 Nominee for the JoM’s Impact award, one of five papers published in 2013 with the highest impact of all JoM papers published in that year.
Johnson, SG, Schnatterly, K, Bolton, J, Tuggle, C. 2011. Antecedents of new director social capital. Journal of Management Studies, 48(8): 1782-1803.
Johnson, RA, Schnatterly, K, Johnson, SG, Chiu, SC. 2010. Institutional investors and institutional environment: A comparative analysis and review. Journal of Management Studies, 47 (8): 1590-1613.
Schnatterly, K. 2010. Operational governance and firm value. International Journal of Strategic Change Management. 1(4): 349-376.
Tuggle, C, Schnatterly, K & Johnson, RA. 2010. Attention patterns in the boardroom: How board composition and processes affect discussion of entrepreneurial issues. Academy of Management Journal. 53(3): 550-571.
Schnatterly, K, Johnson, SG. 2008. Competing to be CEO in high-tech firms: Insider, board member, or outsider candidates. Journal of High Technology Management Research. 18: 132-142.
Schnatterly, K. Shaw, K, Jennings, W.W. 2008. Information advantages of large institutional owners. Strategic Management Journal, February 29(2): 219–227.
Schnatterly, K. 2003. Increasing firm value through detection and prevention of white collar crime. Strategic Management Journal, July, 24(7): 587-614.
Increasing firm value through detection and prevention of white collar crime. 2005. Schnatterly, K. Encyclopedia entry: Encyclopedia of Executive Governance, ESCP-EAP European School of Management
Book Chapters:
Klein, P, Packard, M., Schnatterly, K, 2019. Interorganizational Collaboration and Corporate Entrepreneurship, in J.J. Reuer and S. F. Matusik (eds) Entrepreneurship and Collaboration, Oxford University Press Handbook
Berns, J. Schnatterly, K. Angel Investors: Early Firm Owners. 2015. In M Goranova and LJ Ryan (eds) Shareholder Empowerment. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Ferris, S. Schnatterly, K. International corporate governance and convergence. 2010. Oxford University Press. H. Kent Baker, ed.
Schnatterly, K. Maritan, C.A. 2002. Resources, management systems and governance: keys to value creation. in B. Chakravarthy, G. Mueller-Stewens, P. Lorange & C. Lechner (eds.), Strategy Process: Shaping the Contours of the Field. Blackwell Publishing
Jennings, W.W., Schnatterly, K. Seguin, P.J. 2002. Institutional ownership, information and liquidity, Innovations in Investments and Corporate Finance, Advances in Financial Economics, 7:41-71