Rich Curtis

Professional Bio for Dr. Richard G. Curtis Jr. Richard was born in Newport, RI, in April of 1971. After graduating from Lake Howell High School in Winter Park, FL in 1990, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Richard went on to be stationed on board the JOHN C. CALHOUN, USS PENNSYLVANIA, USS MAINE, USS MARYLAND and concluded his submarine career as the Chief of the Boat (COB) onboard USS RHODE ISLAND.
Additionally, he completed a tour in Naples, Italy, and at Commander Submarine Squadron 20 in Kings Bay, GA.
In May 2011, Richard had a major life-changing event when he underwent successful brain surgery to remove a golf ball size benign brain tumor. However, after rehabilitation from surgery, Richard continued his Naval career as a Command Master Chief (CMC) at the F-18 squadron VFA-136 “NIGHTHAWKS,” where he embarked on the USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65) for her final combat deployment. In 2013 his career focus became “Leader/Leadership Development,” where he led a Mobile Training Team designed to conduct mid-level management & leadership training. His final duty station was as the 18th Director of the U.S. Navy Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) in Newport, RI, where he served in the capacity of a traditional higher education Dean working directly for the President of the U.S. Naval War College. In March 2018, Richard transferred to the U.S. Navy Fleet Reserves after 28 years of faithful service.
Richard began his higher education journey in 2001 when he earned his Associate Degree in General Studies from the University of Maryland University College (UMUC). Then in 2009, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Adult Education from Valdosta State University (VSU), graduating Summa Cum Laude. In August 2016, he earned his Master's in Strategic Leadership from the University of Charleston, West Virginia (UCWV). Finally, after almost two decades, his formal education journey concluded in 2019 when he earned his Doctorate in Executive Leadership (DEL) from UCWV and researched Implicit Leadership Theory (ILT), precisely the traits of an effective leader defined by Navy Chiefs.
During brain surgery, Richard’s acoustic & vestibular nerves were amputated, rendering him 100% deaf in one ear. In 2015, the Navy officially classified Richard as a Wounded Warrior, and in 2017 & 2018 was selected as an athlete to the Navy's Wounded Warrior Team. He competed in track, swimming, cycling, and wheelchair basketball at the Wounded Warrior games in Chicago & Colorado Springs.
Richard lives in Salem, VA, with Kimberly, his wife of 32 years, his service dog Chief (Canine Master Chief), and his retired service dog, COB (Chief of the Bones). His two children, their wives, and his five grandchildren.